27 November 2011


Field Rotations … and paradigm implications on the concept of gravity.

As you peer into the universe to estimate an apparent infinite outer edge and probe at the seemingly endless small … is rotation the common found? Has the role of rotation been given proper consideration?

If indeed curvature in space is a formative of rotation through space-time and rotation is responsible for the prominent role hypothesized … is it possible that the energy of rotation that exists in the universe through angular momentum and related dynamics provides a corollary to the hypothesized black energy and black matter that is thought to exist?

A dynamic field rotation is not what is perceived at any one instant in time, it is the space-time structure that occurs through time.

Ether … black energy … black matter … rotation through space-time …?

16 March 2011

Rotational Induction . The Origin of Mass?

An alternate view of Gravity ...

If mass did not exist in the early universe, how is it possible that the mechanism of gravity could possibly be attraction?

Considering that in the early 19th century Pierre Simon de Laplace analyzed the gravitational field surrounding a sphere of mass m and radius r noted that the square of the escape velocity from the surface of the sphere equals 2Gm/r, i.e. v^2=2Gm/r. The reasoning followed that if the velocity equals the speed of light, c, then light itself cannot escape from the sphere which is then invisible, i.e. c^2=2Gm/r. This provided the basis for the concept of the black hole later elaborated by Einstein.

The fact that gravity’s constant, G, can be extracted from the formula, i.e. G=c^2 r/2m gives indication that gravity, speed of light, the focus of circular form and mass may all be related and intertwined and that the proportions flowing through gravity may be involved in establishing the ultimate speed of light.

Recognizing that velocity and the speed of light are values of time and motion gives rise to the notion that gravity may be the product of a dynamic mechanism and that gravity’s constant just might be the ratio of what exists at any instant in time to the actual structure that exists through time, i.e. a result of dynamic dimensional interplay.

Over the years I have given extensive thought to this idea and have come to the conclusion that gravity is more likely a mechanism of induction in lieu of attraction. I feel the richness of thought this theory provokes deserves further exploration.

In a violent event, i.e. the big bang that propelled whatever existed at the time towards expansion and disorder, what could possibly be moving through all this, with focus, gathering remnants, the smallest moving and frozen in time at the speed of light, into collections of order eventually resulting in life?. Could it possibly be rotation? The clues appear everywhere.

The intent of this writing is to broaden the discussion.

"We dance 'round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows."  Robert Frost

09 November 2010

Rotation . The Particle and the Wave

It is properly understood that the substance of this presentation is hypothesis, nothing more and nothing less. It represents neither agreement nor disagreement. The only request made is for detailed and contemplative consideration.

It is in the nature of a hypothesis when once it has been conceived, it assimilates everything to itself as proper nourishment … if properly conceived, it grows stronger by everything you see, hear or understand.” Author unknown, circa 1996.

What is presented has been treated with the kind of neglect that scientists reserve for thought that is not easily disproved and makes them uncomfortable.

There is no intent of religious statement other than to suggest that some of the “patterns” that emerge may be the well-spring of spirituality.

God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” Empedocles, 5th century B.C.

If time is dimensional, it only stands to reason that a specific structure is not what is viewable at any instant. The complete structure can only be the representation of the totality of the wave function that occurs over the structure’s life-span, i.e. a galaxy is not what we see at the instant we view it, its complete structure is what has unfolded through billions of years. The animation that represents a lifetime is no different.

Is rotation at the maximum speed allowed through established rotational proportions the birth of energy? The consideration in the presentation contained here contends that further understanding of the universe will only continue when the source of the gravitational constant is fully understood.

Every electrically charged particle in the universe forms the center of a huge force field.” Michael Faraday, circa 1840.

Rotations gathering Rotations: (provocative related link) ?

03 November 2009

Rotation . The Focus and Organization

Accepting rotation as the cosmic organization that results in focus and curvature provides a path to understanding the strong and weak forces of the subatomic.

1.) Rotation at the speed of light theoretically freezes time at the subatomic rotational and organizational focus. Under this consideration, the time-differential becomes the strong force between the rotational focus of the extremely small and the progression to the larger world that marks time as we understand it.

2.) The weak force would then be analogous to the gravitational theory present through rotational induction and the curvature that rotation produces.

If rotational fields are accepted as the fabric of the universe, an explanation* for the Pioneer Anomaly can be expressed as a function of the time-differential between the travel velocities of the Pioneer capsule and measuring signal as they travel through the curvature of rotational space. --*See the Pioneer Anomaly explanation theory posted following the essay and math statement.

Realization that a theory has gone full circle comes when adding to the presentation has the look and feeling of an introduction.

Nearly five years ago an effort was started to define the gravitational constant as the ratio between 4th and 5th dynamic dimensions expressed as they relate to each other through a rotational progression of shared dimensions and a relationship with a well known dynamic proportion (phi) that when multiplied as part of a theoretical occurrence in each of these dynamic dimensions imparts an inverse square relationship to another well know proportion (pi) that measures its unit breath through a consistent ratio and proportion at any given instant in time and space.

The resulting gravitational constant expression 4 phi^2/5 pi carries this theory and distinction.

In developing the abstract that is the focus of the theory presented, a decision was made to view the dynamic terminal approximations of what is normally viewed in two or three dimensions as equality. A true equality is what occurs from moment to moment. In this context and recognizing that equality is somewhat archaic when used to analyze dynamic systems, i.e. an equal sign is placed between things stated to be exactly the same, which in dynamic systems may change from one instant to the next. The strong and weak forces and the Pioneer Anomaly exist to emphasize the need to accept or at least allow equality to be viewed in these terms (= = could also have been considered).

We do not claim that the portrait we are making is the whole truth, only that it is a resemblance.” Victor Hugo

28 November 2008

Gravity . The Rotational Fabric

To visualize a rotational field as it is stretched through space-time tied to the proportions resulting from circular form is another approach to understanding the essence of the theory and hypothesis proposed in this presentation. As rotation approaches the speed of light guided towards focus and fruition by these circular proportions, it is only a short step to visualize energy formation at a point where time theoretically stands still. In the following linked video, which occurs at the scale we exist, the primary attempt is to describe gravity. However, a related intent is to try visualizing rotation at a minimal scale and ultimate speed towards a point that diminishes to nothing. Could this possibly be the description of an atom? Extrapolating the thought, if gravity and the link to rotation prove acurate, does attraction or induction become the appropriate protrayal of the mechanism of gravity?


“Other properties of a particle, such as its electrical charge and its spin, are encoded through more subtle features of the string’s vibrations. Compared with mass, these features are harder to describe non-mathematically, but they follow the same basic idea; the vibrational pattern is the particle’s fingerprint; all the properties that we use to distinguish one particle from another are determined by the vibrational pattern of the particle’s string.”
Brian Greene, The Fabric of the Cosmos, 2004.

The funnel-works apparatus shown in the above linked video is designed and produced by HyperTek of Nashville, Tennessee. Following is a link to company information.


Ben Glowiak

11 December 2007

Nature Provides Examples . The Rotation

I received the following link from a website visitor (see comments below the July 5th, 2007 post). Everytime I believe I need to provide additional mathematics or information, nature provides living examples of the envisioned mathematics in action. The simple underlying pattern is recognized.


In the YouTube video, as you watch the big dipper rotate into view, consider what Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo could only imagine since time-lapse was not available to them. This, the great clockworks, is what they used to develop the mathematics that Newton later used to devise the original theory of gravity. As you view the video, foreground and background, imagine the rotation broadening out into an ever expanding universe. You may begin to see the curvature of space that Einstein envisioned. To understand the 5th dimension requires passing through the 4th dimension.

Ben C. Glowiak

05 July 2007

Dynamic Dimensional Structures . The Math

The mathematics incorporated in this presentation is directed at pattern recognition and the individual equalities presented represent a snapshot of individual recurrences within the theorized progression. While mathematical purists do not like this type of equality, I believe the language of mathematics allows for it in the same sense as a sketch serves an artist. The limits representing the theory are also included in sketch form within the presentation. Establishing the simple underlying pattern is necessary prior to fully defining the complex dynamics.

A progressive mathematical investigation of the proposed dimensional structures theory is developing. The mathematical information posted immediately following the Dynamic Dimensional Structures essay represents a beginning to that effort. The mathematics and graphic plots were developed utilizing MathCAD V.14. The initial results are compelling and certainly worthy of further investigation.

Benjamin Glowiak

22 May 2007

Dynamic Dimensional Structures . The Essay

The following essay has been submitted for publication and is proving to be problematic to the established paradigm and pattern comprehension and subtle to the current Main Stream. This posting is an initial step towards self-publication. The desire for publication represents a desire to enter the current Cosmological Question dialectic and present an alternate view for consideration and debate. An attempt at time-lapse computer model simulation is in the works.

Benjamin C. Glowiak

27 April 2007

Dimensional Structures . The Abstract


Dynamic Dimensional Structures
Benjamin C. Glowiak
The Subject:
Gravity has been a mysterious force since the proverbial apple fell and struck Sir Isaac Newton. Newton’s findings and thoughts presenting gravity to the world in the late 17th century were based primarily on the third law of planetary motion proposed by Johannes Kepler in the early 17th century, which states, “the square of the period of a planet’s orbit is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun.” Kepler further states, “Moreover, I show how this physical conception is to be presented through calculation and geometry.” Newton’s law of universal gravitation states, “the gravitational force between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” At no time in the direct statement of each of these laws is attraction between objects proposed as the reason for this occurrence. Human understanding has imposed the term attraction into the explanation and this has been maintained as the understanding without question ever since. Newton and Kepler followed in the footsteps of Brahe, Galileo and Copernicus whose deductions were all based on the meticulous measurement and recording of the natural ratios and proportions that exist in our solar system and galaxy.[1]

In order for Newton’s equations to match reality a gravitational constant was needed and eventually confirmed by experiment in the late 18th century by Henry Cavendish. The constant that expresses the effect of gravity and has been utilized as an effective tool in everything from artillery to space exploration ever since is expressed in anthropic and planetary terms as:

G = .667 x 10^-10 m^3 / s^2 kg
(m = meters, s = seconds, kg = kilograms)

The Theory:
If anthropic and planetary references are marginalized and as long as it remains recognized that for gravity to maintain its characteristic and constant relationship to the universe, the representation of gravity must be capable of transcending scale, distance, volume, space, time and energy, an adjustment to gravity’s frame of reference is acceptable. Adjusting the scale and units to the basic gravitational frame of reference allows the gravitational constant G to be expressed as:

G = .667 d^3 / t^2 m
(d = distance, t = time, m = mass)

We know through application that gravity must be expressed in these or a similar term; however, an explanation for this expression has never been thoroughly presented.

The Hypothesis:
In the concluding remarks to the 1919 article “Do Gravitational Fields Play an Essential Role in the Structure of the Elementary Particles of Matter”, Einstein presented a riddle in the form of a statement.[2]

“… Reflections show the possibility of a theoretical construction of matter out of gravitational field and electromagnetic field alone … This possibility appears particularly promising in that it frees us from the necessity of introducing a special constant ^ for the solution of the cosmological problem. On the other hand there is a particular difficulty. For, if we specialize for the spherically symmetrical static case, we obtain one equation to few for defining (the fundamental tensor) guv and (the electromagnetic field)xuv, with the result that any spherically symmetrical distribution of electricity appears capable of remaining in equilibrium …”. Albert Einstein, On the Cosmological Question, Concluding Remarks, 1919.

The lack of a viable explanation for the gravitational constant and field theory appear to collide at this statement. For gravity to fill this role an explanation for the gravitational constant is necessary.

This blogspot is intended to document and track the presentation of an explanation of the gravitational constant based on two well-established numbers. The mathematical values, pi and phi, furnish the * transcendental metaphor believed responsible for providing the proportion and dimensionality responsible for the gravitational constant G and is expressed as:
G = 4 phi^2  / 5 pi = .667 d^3 / t^2 m
(pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter and phi is the * Fibonacci number)
(pi = 3.14159, phi = 1.618, see expression in sidebar at right)
(Units: d = distance, t = time, m = mass)
* This author considers the value phi to be transcendental in higher dimensions and significant to proportion in five dimensions. If phi were involved in the unfolding of the universe, it potentially has the same relationship to the dynamic structure of the universe as pi has to the structure of a circle. In this regard, it is also believed that the gravitational constant is a manifestation of the universe's dynamic dimensional structure. Note: under current (circa 2007) number theory, phi is not generally recognized to be a transcendental number.

Acceptance of gravity in these terms returns scientific investigation of the cosmos back to its roots. It brings dimensions to a new beginning in developing a unified theory of existence and establishes a basis for bridging particle and wave from singularity to expansion with a form that opens the door to induction as the effective and operational mechanism for gravitational fields. Induction in turn establishes the link to electromagnetic fields and the subatomic world and provides for the dimensionality of energy and the relationship to other dimensions.
. ... .
Considering distance, area, volume, and space (volume through time, a.k.a. expansion) as a natural progression and recognizing that it can be debated whether or not rotation (curvature) precedes or follows expansion, rotation becomes the next viable vector. Rotation may in fact be the birth of energy primarily because it immediately establishes a focal point, i.e. a rally point for organization to occur.

Viewed in this manner, energy describes five-dimensions in the same sense that space describes four-dimensions, volume describes three-dimensions, area describes two-dimensions and distance describes one-dimension.

The Argument:
I have presented the essence of this theory for publication, in similar fashion, over the last few years and been rejected. It remains my intention to attempt acceptance by traditional publication methods under the belief that traditional methods will provide a speedier vehicle for consideration in the broader dialectic, therefore, expediting the potential for acceptance.

The difference in the information presented for publication this time focuses on the gravitational constant and the ingredients necessary for developing the fundamental tensor for a viable gravitational field theory and is presented under the title “Dynamic Dimensional Structures”.

The chronology below will document the success in achieving publication and the discussions and debates that may follow. In the event that traditional publication is not achieved in short order an attempt for self-publication will be pursued, initially expanding within this blogspot environment. All of the arguments supporting the theory will be presented at that time. If traditional publication is achieved links will be provided to the full document and expanded information. The original submissions for publication will also be included at that time.
The Chronology:
October 2004 "Dimensional Existence – Knocking on Einstein’s Door" – Essay Submitted for Publication
October 2004 - Essay Not Accepted for Publication
September 2005 "Gravity – A Dimensional Structure" – Essay Submitted for Publication
October 2005 - Essay Not Accepted for Publication
April 2007 Blogspot Documenting the Progress of B. Glowiak’s Gravitational Constant Hypothesis and Dynamic Dimensional Structures Theory is Implemented
May 2007 "Dynamic Dimensional Structures" – Essay Submitted for Publication
July 2007 - Essay Not Accepted for Publication
April 2008 "DDS" - Essay Submitted to Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest
May 2008 - No Consideration Demonstrated
April 2010 - "Field Rotations and the Pioneer Anomaly" - Essay Submitted to Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest
May 2010 - No Consideration Demonstrated


[1] On the Shoulders of Giants, Stephen Hawking – Running Press, R P Book Publishers, 2002.
[2] On the Shoulders of Giants, Stephen Hawking – Running Press, R P Book Publishers, 2002, pg. 1264.